iOS and Android Client Updates: The Biggest Release in 2021

iOS and Android Client Updates: The Biggest Release in 2021


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We are happy to announce the biggest updates for Ivideon Client on the iOS and Android system. Not only did we enhance technical features making the App operate faster and smoother, we also introduced changes to interface design. 

iOS 2.34.0 Client Updates

What’s new:

1. The App has become more user-friendly. A new menu at the top of the screen adds functionality and helps you navigate intuitively between the most popular icons. Now much-in-demand tasks can be performed in fewer clicks. 

2. The App became more responsive and faster to load.
Required data will be loaded in a background mode not interrupting the main operations.

3. Optimized launch of the App upon click on a Push-Notification.
Open a Push-Notification and be immediately redirected to the relevant app content.

4. Customized loading screens and customized Error Notification design

5. The Ivideon Player design has been updated to improve general user experience. 

Important comments:

-“Groups” tab has been deactivated. Now all connected cameras are displayed as a list, which can be edited in the menu card “Cameras”. 

- “Faces” tab has been deactivated. The tab will be available on the “Events'' screen to the clients who selected videoanalytics options.

- The App and notifications settings, and a list of exported archived videos have been moved to the screen “Menu”. 

Special thanks to the Ivideon iOS Client Release Team: Ilya Dolzhenkov, Evgenii Fedotov, Alexander Ukhov, Anastasia Semenova, Anton Korobov, and Alexander Chumak.

Android 2.37.0 Client Updates

Following the iOS Client Release, here comes the news about the updates of the Ivideon App version for Android system. 

What’s new in the Android Client:

1. The App has become more user-friendly. A new menu at the top of the screen adds functionality and helps you navigate intuitively between the most popular icons. Now much-in-demand tasks can be performed in fewer clicks. 

2. The App became more responsive and faster to load.
Required data will be loaded in a background mode not interrupting the main operations.

3. Optimized launch of the App upon click on a Push-Notification.
Open a Push-Notification and be immediately redirected to the relevant app content.

4. Customized loading screens and customized Error Notification design

5. The Ivideon Player design has been updated to improve general user experience. 

Further important comments:

-“Groups” tab has been deactivated. Now all connected cameras are displayed as a list, which can be edited in the menu card “Cameras”. 

- “Faces'' tab has been deactivated. The tab will be available on the “Events'' screen to the clients who selected videoanalytics options.

- The App and notifications settings, and a list of exported archived videos have been moved to the screen “Menu”. 

One additional upgrade: the Event Search now functions as an event filter. The User will be receiving notifications about events that are pre-selected on the “active filter” screen. 

Earlier, it had only been possible to search video events in real time.

Special thanks to the Ivideon Android Client Release Team: Ilya Dolzhenkov, Evgenii Fedotov, Mikhael Islentiev, Maxim Plakhutam, Anton Korobov, and Alexander Chumak.